Rilasciato macOS 10.15.1 e watchOS 6.1 da Apple

by Gianluca Errera

Primo vero aggiornamento per Catalina, il sistema operativo per Mac di Apple, rilasciato oggi introduce bug fix e il supporto alle nuove AirPods Pro.

Vengono introdotte le nuove emoji (identiche a quelle su iOS 13.2) e i controlli privacy di Siri anche questi introdotti in iOS. Questo il changelog completo:

The macOS Catalina 10.15.1 update includes updated and additional emoji, support for AirPods Pro, HomeKit Secure Video, HomeKit enabled routers, and new Siri privacy settings, as well as bug fixes and improvements.


  • Over 70 new or updated emoji, including animals, food, activities, new accessibility emoji, gender neutral emoji, and skin tones selection for couple emoji


  • Introduces support for AirPods Pro

Home app

  • HomeKit Secure Video enables you to privately capture, store, and view encrypted video from your security cameras and features people, animal, and vehicle detection
  • HomeKit enabled routers let you control how your HomeKit accessories communicate over the internet or in your home
  • Adds support for AirPlay 2-enabled speakers in scenes and automations


  • Privacy settings to control whether or not to help improve Siri and Dictation by allowing Apple to store audio of your Siri and Dictation interactions
  • Option to delete your Siri and Dictation history from Siri Settings

This update also includes the following bug fixes and improvements:

  • Restores the ability to view file names in the All Photos view in Photos
  • Restores the ability to filter by favorites, photos, videos, edited, and keywords in Days view in Photos
  • Fixes an issue where Messages would only send a single notification when the option to repeat alerts was enabled
  • Resolves an issue that caused Contacts to launch to the previously opened contact instead of the contact list
  • Adds a two-finger swipe gesture for back navigation in Apple News
  • Resolves issues that may occur in the Music app when displaying playlists inside folders and newly added songs in the Songs list
  • Improves reliability of migrating iTunes library databases into the Music, Podcasts, and TV apps
  • Fixes an issue where downloaded titles were not visible in the Downloads folder in the TV app

For more detailed information about this update, please visit:

For detailed information about the security content of this update, please visit:

Per quanto riguarda watchOS 6.1 anche in questo caso abbiamo correzione di bug ed il supporto per AirPods Pro.
Come sempre l’aggiornamento è distribuito via OTA sia per Mac sia per Apple Watch.

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